Friday, October 19, 2007

Another day with my babies!!!!!!!!!!!

Another day with my babies!!!!! They amaze me everyday with their intelligence, creativity, and simple love for life. This morning they've made a treasure map and decorated the living room like "The Backyardigans" and recreating an episode. They even made vines and hung on the wall. I don't know where they get their creativity and energy, but I truly am blessed with my children. Carlee even says, Mommy I love you but I love God the "moster" because you are supposed to. And when Asa does something he knows he's not supposed to, he says "Sorry God" under his voice. I just love them both SOOOOO MUCH!!!!!

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Asa's Birthday at Chuck-e-cheese

Asa's Birthday at Granny's

Asa's birthday at Mama Ida's