Sunday, October 5, 2008

Some new layouts-

sorry for the bad pics-this cold has my head in a fog

these are all with the new Kenner Road kit from September-so loving what she is doing-of course I added a few vintage game pieces & encyclopedia pages of my own.
The second layout is a photo of my grandfather as an infant-taken in either 1918 or 1919-I have discovered this was the worst months for deaths from the flu ever-so I've been wanting to do a layout highlighting that-when I got this PP Vintage Moon transparency with my KR kit, it just seemed like it fit. The other is a layout of my son being his usual germ-a-phobe self eating without his hands because he couldn't was them at the park :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love that layout of your grandfather!

Asa's Birthday at Chuck-e-cheese

Asa's Birthday at Granny's

Asa's birthday at Mama Ida's