Friday, June 6, 2008

Another day at work

This is my 2nd twelve hour day-I like the fact I can squeeze a lot of hours
into only a couple of days, but miss being away from the kids SO MUCH!! Its
especially hard if one of them (like Carlee did today) wakes up before I hard to leave the little munchkins!! If it weren't for my Mom
coming to the house to babysit I don't think I'd be working at all- :-(


Anonymous said...

At least your mom is available to help you. What a blessing! I hear you on the long days though, I don't know how you do it. Hope you have a good day though =)

Tipper said...

So glad your Mom is there to help you. I know its hard to leave the little ones.

Latharia said...

Aw, what cute kiddos! :D

Jennifer Davis said...

It's so nice that your mom is close enough to be able to watch your kids though...hang in there Bobbi, you can do it!


Asa's Birthday at Chuck-e-cheese

Asa's Birthday at Granny's

Asa's birthday at Mama Ida's