Sunday, June 29, 2008

My Papa

My grandfather, Orville Lee. I miss him so much, he's been gone for almost 8 years now, but it only seems like days sometimes. He was the most influential man in my young life. Growing up without my Dad or other grandfather-I spent a lot of time with him. The way his hat is cocked to one side was how he was, and he wore his caps that way his whole life. A good man, with just a hint of an edge underneath the surface.

And since I was the only grandchild for 16 years, I got a lot of attention LOL. He taught me to fish, hunt, build, use power tools, all the useful stuff :) I miss you a lot Papa.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

New layout

Using the Making Memories Passport Line

Some vacation pictures.

Some pictures from our vacation-I love this one of Carlee with the planter-they were all over the place!
....and this one of Danny & the kids jumping on the beds at the hotel!! They love doing that!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hello again.. pictures-I'm at work (sshhhh)

We took a small family vacation to the Tennessee mountains last week. The kids had a BLAST. I think they would be happy anywhere as long as there was a swimming pool. Spent two days at an amusement park, where Asa got to be a magician's assistant-he loved it, but kind of got embarassed when the magician made a joke at his expense. He got over it though.

Since we've been home he has been helping his Daddy work on our pasture fencing. He got his first official work related injury-a blister on his thumb (technically from whacking at the weeds with a corn knife-but since he had his work boots on we'll call it work related!!) He thinks he's so grown up-he's even getting a little farmer's tan!! Carlee wants no part of fencing-says its too boyish.

We also bought them their first bicycles-and they're loving them, I don't think they'll need the training wheels very long. Carlee likes riding a little better than Asa I think but I hope that will change.

At karate yesterday-Asa did really good in the "races" they have. When he started he'd always been 3rd or 4th, but now he's usually 2nd (sometimes tied for 1st). I'm so proud of how much stronger and faster he's become. The class has helped him in so many ways. Its helped Carlee too, but she was always lean & fast, and never really had a problem with self esteem LOL. Anyways, no regrets on karate classes.

I'll try to post some pictures soon, til then have a great week.

Monday, June 23, 2008

OK-I'm a terrible blogger..

..but I promise vacation pictures this week!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

I can't believe it...

..Tim Russert passed away. Doesn't seem possible.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Another day at work

This is my 2nd twelve hour day-I like the fact I can squeeze a lot of hours
into only a couple of days, but miss being away from the kids SO MUCH!! Its
especially hard if one of them (like Carlee did today) wakes up before I hard to leave the little munchkins!! If it weren't for my Mom
coming to the house to babysit I don't think I'd be working at all- :-(

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Originally uploaded by wlrph
This is one of my new favorites. The journaling reads "TODAY: I fell in love with you all over again"

How could you not with those gorgeous eyes!!

Future Model

Future Model
Originally uploaded by wlrph
Such a sweet picture of DD-she can even made a rock look pretty!!

Enuf is Enough

Enuf is Enough
Originally uploaded by wlrph
I just love this picture of him...he's so annoyed with me!!

(and my baby lost another tooth today :(....

Asa's Birthday at Chuck-e-cheese

Asa's Birthday at Granny's

Asa's birthday at Mama Ida's