Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Long day at King's Daughters today with my SIL......its a long story, but she had a dr's appt and a lot of tests, which of course we don't know the results of yet.......hopefully everything will come out OK. We took the kids with us and they were so good, they did get tired so I took them out and drove around just to break up the day and their boredom.......I'm so proud of them, we even missed karate but they said it was OK because they wanted their aunt to feel better. I'm so blessed to have such great kids.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Carlee had her first filling yesterday :(

well......actually she had two. She was such a brave little girl, I was so proud of her. She did better than I do when I go to the dentist, of course we have a great dentist, so that always helps. After it was over, she just hopped up and said, "are we late for karate?" then she went to class and has acted like nothing happened ever since.

They had a great class at Karate!!!!!! They have such great focus, especially for their ages. I wish they had classes three days a week instead of only two, but that's all that is available to us so we'll take what we can. I can't wait until they get another belt, they'll be so excited!!!!!!

Got to go fix breakfast, my big boy just got up. Talk to you soon.........

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Another COLD day...

Here we are again, in the middle of Jan......freezing cold. Had the fam down last nite for videos games and dinner.....everyone had a great time, especially with the Wii. It's funny to see grown men boxing imaginary opponents LOL.

We're still working on redecorating the kids rooms. Carlee got the "baby room" while Asa is getting my room and I'm moving to the bedroom no one was using. The house is a mess moving everything around, painting, etc (but then again it always is LOL). The wallpaper in my room was a b.tch to remove because whoever put it up didn't prepare the wall properly. Danny had to work a week on just ONE WALL---but he finally got it Asa just has to pick a color-he's narrowed it down to about 20 LOL....oh, well.

Looking forward to another day of washing clothes and would be nice to just clean everything and that be it...but of course its just a neverending process, then you die LOL. We do have karate this evening, so I will be able to get out of the house for a while, talk to you soon.

Friday, January 18, 2008


Sorry I've been gone so long...with the holidays and work I've been SOOOOOO BUSSSY. The kids got their yellow belts!!!!!!!YEAH!!!!! I'm jealous-thinking about starting Karate myself, it would be so good for me plus it would make it easier for me to help the kids practice. Sorry this will be short, got to go, be back soon.

Asa's Birthday at Chuck-e-cheese

Asa's Birthday at Granny's

Asa's birthday at Mama Ida's